The Day Cape Town Nearly Ran Out of Water:
Category: Podcasts
#75 – Claire Zilber, MD – MAN UP! The Shame-Based Roots of Misogyny
This multimedia program incorporates two slam poetry performances, touches on theories of gender development, summarizes recent research on gender equality in youth, and offers discussion about what society can do to heal the false binary of male vs. female so that we all can become whole human beings.
Claire Zilber, MD is a psychiatrist in private practice in Denver and a medical ethicist. Her book, Living In Limbo: Creating Structure and Peace When Someone You Love Is Ill, received a 2018 Silver Nautilus Book Award.
#74 – Charlie Sturdavant, Founder, Golden City Brewery and Sherpa Brewery
#73 – Barb Warden
Topic – Funiculars of Golden
#72 Bob Raynolds – Denver Museum of Nature and Science
November 12, 2019
Bob Raynolds, PhD
Topic – Australopithecines to the Anthropocene: A Geologist’s View of Where We Came from and Where We Are Going
#69 Woody Tesch – Slow Money
Topic – SLOW MONEY: The Front Range and Beyond
#66 – Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza, Ocean First Institute
#65 Christina Burri – Denver Water
Topic – Healthy Forests, Healthy Watersheds
#64 Dr. Lisa S. Gardiner
Topic – What Other Assorted Disasters Can Teach Us About Climate Change

In this talk, Dr. Gardiner shares stories from her book, Tales from an Uncertain World: What Other Assorted Disasters Can Teach Us About Climate Change, illustrating how we can play to our strengths and avoid our blind spots to be more resilient in our changing world. To understand why people are hesitant to take action to tackle the climate change catastrophe, Gardiner investigated how people act during other disasters like floods, fires, invasive species, pollution and earthquakes. Through her explorations she learned that, no matter the type of catastrophe, it is our values, emotions and the way we see risk and uncertainty that determines the actions we take to be resilient.
#63 Claire Zilber, MD
Topic – Immune Responses to Stress and Loss
Claire Zilber, MD, will discuss the physiological effects of acute and chronic stress, including caregiver stress and grief, on immune functioning. She will review ways to protect against the health effects of stress so that caregivers and people in mourning can remain more physically and emotionally resilient. Copies of the book Living In Limbo: Creating Structure and Peace When Someone You Love Is Ill will be available for purchase at the talk.